Returns Policy

We gladly accept returns within 60 days of receipt. To qualify for a full refund of the goods' cost, please ensure the items are unused, unopened, and in a saleable condition. When returning items, kindly pack them appropriately, and if possible, enclose your original invoice or include your name, address (including postcode), and a note indicating whether you prefer a refund or an exchange. If you opt for an exchange, kindly specify the items you wish to receive in place of the ones you are returning.

Please note that due to copyright laws, we cannot accept returns for patterns, leaflets, or books. Additionally, we are unable to accept the return of ribbons/fabric trims. However, we gladly accept unopened balls of yarn, unwashed and uncut fabric, unopened yarn packs, and needlecraft kits in resalable condition. For yarn purchased as part of a color pack, we can only accept returns if the entire pack is unused.

Please send your parcel to the following address:

Business address
10 Stockbridge Close, Havant, PO9 5QX, United Kingdom

If you have requested an exchange, we will promptly dispatch the replacement items as long as the returned items meet the unused, unopened, and saleable condition criteria. In case there is a payment difference, we will either refund the excess amount to your original payment method or get in touch with you via telephone or email to arrange the additional payment if the replacement items are of higher value than the returned ones.

Please be aware that customers are responsible for the return shipping costs, and we recommend obtaining a proof of postage receipt.

Faulty/Damaged Items:

If you encounter any issues with our products being faulty or damaged, please contact us to initiate the returns process. We may request photos of the problematic items to communicate with our suppliers about the matter. Please note that any issues must be reported within 3 months of receiving the order.

Once we confirm the item/s as faulty, we will provide you with the option of a replacement or a refund. In some cases, we may ask you to return the item/s to us, and we will provide you with a freepost returns address.

For assistance, please call us at 02392350358 or send an email to '' along with your order number, and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

Europe and Rest of World:

The return address remains the same for international customers. Regardless of whether the goods are faulty or not, international customers are responsible for the shipping costs when returning items. We apologize, but we do not have a freepost returns address available for international orders.

Digital Downloads:

We regret that we cannot accept returns for digital patterns once they have been downloaded unless there is a fault with the download. In case of a fault with the digital pattern download, please contact us within 60 days of purchase. It is your responsibility to download the pattern(s) and check for any faults within this period. We will be unable to issue a refund after this time.

Legal Information:

In addition to our own Returns and Refunds Policy, under the Consumer Contract (Information, Cancellation, and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, you have 14 calendar days from the receipt of the goods to cancel your order. Please note that partial cancellations are not accepted; you can only cancel the entire order. If you exercise this statutory right to cancel, we will fully refund the price paid for the goods and the original delivery costs once we receive the goods in resaleable condition. To initiate the cancellation, please notify us in writing (email counts as written communication) within 14 calendar days of receiving the goods, including the order number and claim details. Your email or letter will be considered received on the date you send it. The goods must be sent with their original, undamaged packaging and the original invoice. Please be aware that digital goods, such as digital patterns, cannot be canceled once downloaded.